General medicine Bimonthly assessment August 2021

 The question paper link related to the assessment has been shared below :

The general medicine long and short cases link :

Q1) Critical appraisal

Long case: The approach towards the case was well noted; with all the suspections being mentioned,the differential diagnosis of the case becomes easy and justified.The investigations were explained to the mark because of that the case interpretation becomes more feasible.

Short case 1 : The overall history was very well taken, which half  way ; leads to the current diagnosis of the case. The main signs which lead to the diagnosis of the case where mentioned. The CNS examination was interpreted quite well. 

Short case 2 : The specific explanation for the investigations  where given which gives a detailed and a statistic approach towards the diagnosis of the case. The Abdominal examination was quite well perceived and interpreted (the images where accurate and  correlating to the signs of the said case) 

Q2: Testing scholarship competency of the examinees ( ability to read comprehend, analyze, reflect upon and discuss captured patient centered data):
 Long case: .No diagnostic and therapeutic uncertainties found. 
Short case 1 :No diagnostic and therapeutic uncertainties found. 
Short case 2 :No diagnostic and therapeutic uncertainties found. Although the reason as to why the drug hisone was administered in lower doses progressively wasn't certain.

Q3) Testing competency in "Evidence based medicine": Include the review of literature around sensitivity and specificity of the diagnostic interventions mentioned and same around efficacy of the therapeutic interventions mentioned for each patient. 
 Long case drug interventions :



Short case 1

1) Tab. Syndopa Plus 125 mg QID

2) Tab. Telma 40 mg OD

Short case 2

1)Ointment AMLORFINE -

2)FUSIDIC ACID CREAM.,(red%2C%20itchy%20eyes).


4) Tab hisone  for adrenocortical insufficiency. 

Q 5) Testing scholarship competency in  
logging reflective observations on your concrete experiences of this last month :
The new curriculum promotes the idea of clinical based evidence and approach of the student towards medicine. In a dreadful scenario as COVID ; we as students; aren't able to comprehend well enough through elogs alone. This is where the online video communication a.k.a telepathy comes into play. The direct conversations with the patients and the video being uploaded on reputed social media platforms helps us to comprehend the case scenarios better and this provides us with more knowledge of the case as we(not physically present though) are able to experience the clinical exposure. 


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